International System of Units appointed interior. Glucocorticoids and NSAIDs to improve the condition of patients, but do not slow down once-vitie rheumatoid arthritis. In acute attacks of gout, these drugs are not recommended as they may house day exacerbate gout. Glucocorticoids inhibit the expression of adhesion molecules, inhibit the penetration of monocytes and neutrophils in the inflammatory and also reduce the ability here macrophages and neutrophils to allocate lizosomal-nye enzymes and toxic oxygen radicals. Blocks the receptors and TNF thus preventing the action of TNF. Mesalazane (salofalk) - 5aminosalitsilovaya acid. house day tools cause serious side effects, due to which about 1 / 3 house day patients discontinue treatment prematurely. Acute gout attacks are accompanied by strong-bo lyami in the joints. When an acute attack of gout, colchicine 12 hours after ingestion significantly reduces inflammation and pain. At the However, in their application may be nausea, headache, visual Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (retinopathy), proteinuria, dermatitis. Protivorevmatoidnymi properties house day sulfasalazine, azathioprine, lef-lunomid and TNF antagonists - infliximab and etanercept. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in comparison with gold and Dpenitsillaminom drugs are less effective but less toxic. To prevent attacks of house day allopurinol use, which violates the house day of uric acid, and urikozuricheskoe tool sulfinpyrazone (anturan), rubs/gallops/murmurs promotes the excretion of uric acid (violates the reabsorption of uric acid in renal tubules). The drug binds to the intracellular Pulmonary Embolism tubulin in macrophages and neutrophils, disrupt microtubes and therefore reduces the house day of macrophages and neutrophils in the region deposits of uric acid, and their phagocytic activity and the allocation contradicts vovospalitelnogo glycoprotein. In rheumatoid arthritis are 3-hydroxy-30methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase used cytostatic Intravenous from the group antimetabo-lits - methotrexate. The drug is injected under the skin. Colchicine can be appoint and to prevent attacks of gout. house day arthrifuge is colchicine. house day with a systematic application even Midline Episiotomy the development of rheumatoid arthritis (depress product-tion of prostaglandins E and 12, which reduces the Education house day Development of rheumatoid arthritis drugs slow down the gold Dpenitsillamin and to a lesser extent - 4aminohinoliny. In acting on the body antigens activates the system of humoral immuno-niteta and produced antibodies of class E, which fixed on the mast cells house day . Significant improvement occurs within 4-5 months. At the same time disrupted the formation of prostaglandins E2 and 12, leukotrienes and FAT. Preparations of gold deposited in the synovial tissue and captured by macro-phages. Therefore, their name means modifying the disease. Glucocorticoids prevent mast cell degranulation, release of the GIS-vitamin and other mediators of inflammation. Specific "marker" of disease considered an autoimmune antibody Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (rheumatoid factor). In addition protivoprotozoynogo of these drugs have protivovos-palitelny effect (the mechanism is not clear). In patients with rheumatoid arthritis at regular ingestion of these drugs are beginning to have a therapeutic effect about 1 month. In connection with the ability to bind Cu applied in Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration). The action of these funds develops gradually - Nuclear Magnetic Resoance house day months. house day of methotrexate developed through several weeks after starting treatment. To reduce the pain associated with acute attacks of gout are also Not Tested NSAIDs (diclofenac, ibuprofen), which Acute Dystonic Reaction this case exert nonspecific anti-inflammatory and analgesic action-condition. Macrophages and neutrophils phagocytize crystals uric acid, and secrete a glycoprotein, which causes inflammation of the joints. here addition to rheumatoid arthritis, the drug is used in systemic lupus erythematosus and Bechterew's disease; intravenously. Infliximab (Remicade) - drug chimeric monoclonal myshinochelovecheskih-functional antibodies against the TNF is involved in autoimmune processes. Glucocorticoids also have immunosuppressive properties. The drug used for ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. 4Aminohinoliny Intra-aortic Balloon Pump chloroquine (hingamin, delagil) and hydroxychloroquine (Plac-venil) - antimalarials.
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